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letters of administration是什么意思

发布时间:2021-02-19 作者: 英语查

letters of administration 是什么意思


letter:    短语和例子 letter2 n. 1.字母,文字。 2. ...
of:    短语和例子 five minutes of four 差 ...
administration:    n. 1.管理,掌管,经营;〔英国〕行政,施政。 2.行 ...
legal document naming someone to administer an estate when no executor has been named

Letters of Administration are granted by a Surrogate Court or probate registry to appoint appropriate people to deal with a deceased person's estate where property will pass under Intestacy Rules or where there are no executors living (and willing and able to act) having been validly appointed under the deceased's will. Traditionally, letters of administration granted to a representative of a testate estate are called "letters of administration with the will annexed" or "letters of administration cum testamentio annexio" or "c.


1.Letters of administration

2.Letter of administration

3.Issued by the judiciary , it is necessary for the deceased s relatives to obtain an estate duty clearance before they can apply for a probate or letters of administration

4.Issued by the judiciary ) , it is necessary for the deceased s relatives to obtain an estate duty clearance before they can apply for a probate or letters of administration
小册子) ,否则,死者亲属在申领遗嘱认证书或遗产管理书之前,必须先领取遗产税证明书。

5.Generally speaking , heirs to estate have to go through the procedure of estate duty assessment before applying to the court for the granting of probate or letter of administration

6.Generally speaking , heirs to estate have to go through the procedure of estate duty assessment before applying to the court for the granting of probate or letter of administration

7.Moreover , the abolition will reduce the time taken for obtaining the grant of probate or letters of administration , thereby helping to ease cash - flow problems that heirs to an estate currently face , particularly for the general public as well as operators of small and medium enterprises

8.The successor should produce an original or certified copy of letters of administration or probate and surrender the duplicate of the old underlease . on approval by the secretary for the civil service , fsi section will prepare a new underlease and nomination and any other required documents for execution by the successor

9." apart from attracting or retaining capital to promote the development of hong kong s financial services industry , the proposed abolition of estate duty will also reduce the time taken for obtaining the grant of probate or letters of administration , thereby helping to ease cash - flow problems heirs to an estate currently face , particularly for operators of small and medium enterprises , " the spokesman added

10.No probate or letters of administration shall be issued by the court until the commissioner shall have certified in writing that the estate duty payable by the executor upon the estate in respect of which probate or letters of administration is sought has been paid or that he has allowed payment thereof to be postponed , or that no estate duty is payable in respect of the estate

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